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Welcome to my homepage on lady beetles (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) of the Indian subcontinent. I have started this site mainly to showcase the collection of photos / illustrations prepared during the course of my studies on the Coccinellidae of the Indian subcontinent. The images are in three categories - coccinellid species commonly encountered in the agro-ecosystems of the Indian region, their natural enemies, and other assorted images. Fact sheets for the species in the image gallery will be added in future.

The images are copyrighted. They may be used freely for non-profit educational purposes when accompanied by an appropriate copyright notice. Please do not copy the images for use in your site, but provide a link to this site.


My Primary Research Interests

Biosystematics of the Coccinellidae of India and neighbouring countries

Interactive identification aids for Coccinellidae


Resources on the coccinellid fauna of the Indian Region

Checklist of the coccinellid fauna of the Indian Subcontinent [Checklist.pdf]

Key to common Chilocorus species of India [Lucid Phoenix Key]

Morphology of Coccinellidae [Morphology.htm]


Image gallery

Common coccinellids of the Indian region

Natural enemies of Coccinellidae

Assorted images


Useful Links

Taxonomy of Coccinellidae

Valid genera and subgenera of Coccinellidae

Ladybirds of Australia

Gordon's Ladybird beetle page

Ladybug links

Dutch ladybirds

The London and Essex ladybird Survey

Coccinellidae of Chile

Coccinellidae of Peru



Thanks are due to

1. CABI Bioscience, UK, for permitting the use of some coccinellid illustrations (Source: Rao, V.P. & Ghani, M.A. 1972. Studies on predators of Adelges spp. in the Himalayas. Miscellaneous Publication No. 3, Commonwealth Institute of Biological Control, Trinidad.)

2. Dr. Viktor Fursov, Russian Academy of Sciences, for kindly permitting the use of the illustration of Dinocampus coccinellae from his website.  


Contact address

Dr. J. Poorani, Project Directorate of Biological Control, P.B. No. 2491, H. A. Farm Post, Bellary Road, Bangalore 560 024, India. E-mail:,



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Last updated on September 15, 2008